Find furniture and decoration direct from suppliers

100k products, hundreds of trusted suppliers

You are an architect, an interior designer, a retailer or a company ? You are searching furniture items and decoration ?
Stop searching and start finding now on Fabriks. It's free.

The ultimate search engine designed for you

Fabriks a is the best tool to find furniture and decoration suppliers. Discover thousands of products from hundreds of international suppliers.

We partner with the world's most iconic brands and manufacturers to showcase their know-how.

We add intelligent technology to create a personal searching experience for every professional user on Fabriks.

What is Fabriks ?
Why become a partner ?

Information are always updated

We continuously indexes new suppliers and new products. We organize the products of the most iconic brands, editors and manufacturers but also of emerging talent.

More than that, we keep suppliers' information up to date.

Its free, no registration required

The search on Fabriks a is totally free. No search is limited, no registration is required for navigation.

If you would like to contact a supplier once you have found your products, you can send an email directly from Fabriks

What is Fabriks ?
Start finding now on Fabriks, it's free

Our plans

The search for Fabriks is free. In addition, Fabriks has two features to be up to date with your favorite suppliers. You can create your own catalog of products and suppliers and be notified when there are changes.


Unlimited searches

Online support

No registration required

149 € monthly

Unlimited searches

Personalized online support

Contact suppliers directly

Get notified when new products appear

Made your own catalog of products and suppliers

No setup fees

The first month is free, no credit card required